How To Train A Yorkie Puppy

Allen Stokes // February 22 // 1 Comments

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How to train a Yorkie puppy are you looking for a way to train your Yorkie puppy to obey basic commands?

Applying the Positive Reinforcement dog training method is a great way to teach your puppy the basic dog commands, such as sit, down, come, stay, and leave it.

With the right approach and dedication, you can also use this method to help your pup learn potty training. Learn more about using the positive reinforcement technique and how to train a Yorkie puppy.

how to train a Yorkie puppy

How To Train A Yorkie Puppy Tips

Yorkies are intelligent but stubborn, and training can be challenging. The information herein will give you a solid foundation for how to teach your Yorkie commands and control their behavior.

They are ranked the ninth most popular dog breed in the United States. They make perfect companions for all lifestyles, i.e., senior citizens, people with physical limitations, or anyone who doesn't have room for a big dog.

The Yorkie's ancestors were working dogs who hunted and removed rats from mills and mines in England before being introduced to the laps of the Victorian ladies.

These cute, tiny, dainty dogs are aggressive and fearless, which makes them the perfect watchdog true to their terrier breed heritage.

Yorkie training that works starts the day you bring your puppy home. The key to successful training is to have a plan and apply it with due diligence towards raising and understanding your Yorkie's characteristic behavior.

Puppy Training Tools

The training tools you must acquire will include:

how to train a Yorkie puppy

How To Train A Yorkie Puppy Characteristics

How To Train A Yorkie Puppy

Yorkies make great companions for anyone living in a house or small apartment. This tiny breed is quite comfortable living in small spaces. In addition, the Yorkie is a perfect fit if you are allergic to dog hair because its coat is similar to human hair.

Don't let the Yorkie's tiny size fool you. This dainty little dog is headstrong, fierce, and skittish with a tremendous bossy attitude. But, for first-time pet parents training, your Yorkie can be somewhat difficult.

Yorkies require supervision when outside because predatory creatures, i.e., coyotes, large birds, or other animals, may see them as a source of food.

The American Kennel Club is another good information source for informative facts about your Yorkie.

 Positive Reinforcement  

How to train a Yorkie puppy can be a challenging but rewarding experience. Yorkies are known for their intelligence and loyalty, making them ideal companions. You can teach your Yorkie puppy the basics of obedience and good behavior with the right approach and dedication.

Positive reinforcement is the best way to train a Yorkie puppy, as it encourages desired behaviors and discourages unwanted ones. Here are some tips for training your Yorkie puppy using positive reinforcement.

Create A Positive Learning Environment 

The first step to training your Yorkie puppy is to create a positive learning environment. The right environment means providing your puppy with a safe and comfortable space to learn.

Ensure you provide your puppy with plenty of toys and stimulation to keep them engaged. You should also create a daily routine for your puppy and stick to it regularly. Your puppy will understand what you want, making the training process easier.

Establish A Routine 

Establishing a routine is vital to how to train a Yorkie puppy. Make sure to set aside a specific time each day for training. A routine will help your puppy understand when it’s time to learn and when it’s time for play. Having a routine will also help your puppy build a sense of trust and security.

Start With Basic Commands

When training your Yorkie puppy, starting with basic commands is important. Start by teaching your puppy to sit, stay, come, and heel.

After your puppy has mastered these commands, you can move on to more complex ones. Use treats or praise to reward your puppy whenever they obey a command.

Rewards will help reinforce the behavior and encourage them to continue learning.

Be Consistent 

Being consistent daily is vital when it comes to how to train a Yorkie puppy. Use the same commands and rewards each time you train your puppy. Your puppy will understand that they are doing the right thing if you consistently practice the same commands, making the training process easier.

Be Patient 

Training a Yorkie puppy can be a long and frustrating process. It’s important to remember to be patient and not to get frustrated if your puppy doesn’t learn the commands right away.

Patience and dedication are the foundation for training a Yorkie puppy in proper obedience commands and good behavior.

Training a Yorkie puppy can be a challenging but rewarding experience. You can teach your Yorkie puppy the basics of obedience and good behavior with the right approach and dedication.

Positive reinforcement is the best way to train a Yorkie puppy, as it encourages desired behaviors and discourages unwanted ones.

You can successfully train your Yorkie puppy by creating a positive learning environment, establishing a routine, starting with basic commands, being consistent, and being patient.

how to train a Yorkie puppy
When you give praise, treats, toys, or whatever the dog perceives as a reward. You will encourage your dog to do the desired training behavior.

Using positive reinforcement training method, your dog will learn the correct behavior, and it's the most effective since it repeats the behavior throughout its life.

Do's and Don’ts For How To Train A Yorkie Puppy


Praise and Reward

You reward your Yorkie immediately with a small treat and praise after your dog completes the specific behavior correctly.

Select A Quiet Area for Training
During the training sessions, you must minimize distractions.

Keep Training Sessions Short

You should always keep the training sessions under 15 minutes.


Never substitute different words for specific behaviors during training. Instead, you keep spoken command words short using a calm voice.

You should instruct family members to use your identical words for specific behavior commands. By doing this, you will prevent your Yorkie from becoming confused.

Remove treats gradually

Once your Yorkie understands a direct command and performs it correctly, you can start gradually replacing treats with affectional praises only.


Stop correcting unwanted behavior.

Positive reinforcement training can confuse some pet parents, leading them to believe they cannot correct unwanted behavior by saying "NO" to their Yorkie. However, correcting unwanted behavior during its early observation is essential.


During training sessions, you should never scold or display a disgusting attitude. Such actions will cause your Yorkie to become nervous and upset. Furthermore, any negative behavior outburst on your behalf will keep your Yorkie from learning anything.

How To Train A Yorkie Puppy Basic Commands

You should teach your Yorkie obedient commands as he grows. The following are how to train a Yorkie puppy essential basic commands that we think deserve special attention.

how to train a Yorkie puppy
SIT - Will calm your Yorkie down when it becomes overly excitable.
how to train a Yorkie puppy
DOWN - calms your Yorkie and prevents jumping on guests or furniture.
how to train a Yorkie puppy
COME - keeps your Yorkie out of mischief and safe from running into the path of a moving automobile.
how to train a Yorkie puppy
Leave It - Prevents Yorkies from touching or eating lying objects.

Clicker Dog Training 

Clicker dog training is a great way to positively reinforce desired behaviors while teaching your Yorkie puppy the basics. The Clicker dog training is an easy and effective way to train your Yorkie puppy, and it’s especially beneficial for owners new to dog training.

What is Clicker Dog Training?

Clicker dog training is an effective and positive form of dog training. It uses the principles of operant conditioning, which is a form of learning a modified behavior by its consequences.

A dog trainer uses a handheld clicker device to mark the desired behavior. When a dog trainer clicks the handheld device, it makes a sound, signaling the dog that they have done something right. The trainer will immediately reward the dog with a treat.

The BARKIE Dog Training Kit for your Yorkie Puppy includes everything you need to get your pup on the right track. The Dog Treat Pouch is perfect for keeping treats close at hand while training, and the Pet Training Fanny Pack has a convenient design for hands-free carrying. 

The Dog Training Clicker and Ultrasonic Silent Dog Whistle are perfect for teaching your pup commands, and the Dog Poop Bag is excellent for keeping your pup's messes contained.

How to Get Started With Clicker Dog Training 

Getting started with clicker dog training is easy. First, you will need to purchase a clicker device, treats, and a quiet, distraction-free area in your home. Once you have these items, you can start teaching your Yorkie puppy basic obedience commands such as “sit,” “stay,” and “come.”

When teaching your Yorkie puppy a new command, show them the command and then click the clicker when they do the desired behavior. After clicking the clicker, give your Yorkie puppy a treat to reinforce the behavior. Repeat this process until your Yorkie puppy has mastered the command.

Tips for Successful Clicker Dog Training 

Regarding clicker dog training, it’s essential to remember a few tips for successful training. Always keep your training sessions short and sweet. Yorkie puppies can get easily distracted and lose focus, so keeping your training sessions short and engaging is best.

Another tip is to use treats sparingly. Treats are a great way to reward your Yorkie puppy for a well-done job but overdo it because too many treats can lead to an overweight pup. Instead, reward your Yorkie puppy’s good behavior using verbal praise and affection.

Finally, don’t forget to have fun. Training your Yorkie puppy should be an enjoyable experience for you and your pup. Be patient and consistent with your Yorkie puppy, and don’t forget to have fun while training them.

Yorkies do well with the Clicker, a.k.a. Mark and Reward training. In addition, dog trainers have used the Operant Conditioning dog training that incorporates the positive reinforcement methodology.

how to train a Yorkie puppy

How To Potty Train A Yorkie Puppy 

training a Yorkie puppy can be challenging, but with patience and consistency, you can help your pup learn to use the bathroom outside in no time.

Yorkies are known for being intelligent and independent, so with the right approach, they can quickly learn to potty outside with minimal effort.

Establishing A Potty Schedule 

Establishing a potty schedule is the first step in potty training a Yorkie puppy. Puppies need to go to the bathroom frequently, so getting them into a routine that works for both of you is essential.

Take your pup outside every two hours, and make sure they always go to the same spot. When you take it to the exact area, a habit develops for going to the same place each time they need to go. It would help if you also took them outside first thing in the morning, after meals, and before bed.

Using A Dog Crate

A dog crate can be an excellent tool for potty training a Yorkie puppy. The crate provides a safe and comfy space for your pup, and it can help them learn to control their bladder.

When you take your dog out of the crate, take them to the designated potty spot and give them plenty of time to do their business. If they don’t go, take them back inside and put them back in the crate.

A crate will help them learn that going to the bathroom outside is the best option.

Positive Reinforcement 

Positive reinforcement is vital when potty training a Yorkie puppy. Whenever your pup does their business outside, give them lots of praise and treats.

Rewards will help them learn that going to the bathroom outside is good. You should also avoid punishing your pup if they have an accident inside. Punishment can scare them from going to potty, which won’t help them learn.

The Blue Buffalo Baby BLUE Training Treats are the perfect way to reward and train your Yorkie puppy! These soft, natural treats are made with savory chicken and will surely be your pup's favorite. With their small size and delicious flavor, these treats are the perfect reward for training your puppy.

Plus, they're made with natural ingredients and no artificial preservatives, colors, or flavors - so you can feel good about giving them to your furry friend.

Cleaning Up Accidents 

Accidents are bound to happen when potty training a Yorkie puppy, so cleaning up any messes quickly and thoroughly is essential.

Use an enzymatic cleaner to eliminate any lingering odors, as this will help prevent your pup from returning to the same spot. It would be best if you also blocked off any areas in which your puppy has gone to the bathroom, as this will help them learn to go in the right spot.

The Simple Solution Extreme Pet Stain and Odor Remover will keep your Yorkie Puppy's home area clean. This enzymatic cleaner comes with 3X Pro-Bacteria Cleaning Power, making it the ideal choice for tough pet stains and odors.

This product can quickly eliminate the mess and odor of your Yorkie Puppy's accidents and keep your home clean and fresh. Plus, it's safe to use around children and pets.

Staying Consistent

Staying consistent is a vital thing to remember when potty training a Yorkie puppy is to stay consistent. If you consistently take your pup outside and reward them when they go to the bathroom in the right spot, they will learn quickly.

It may take some time and patience, but your pup will be potty trained soon with the right approach.

Yorkie training
You must control and restrict your Yorkie’s movement by providing adequate enclosed space that contains food and water bowls, a dog bed, chew toys, and a pee pad.
Yorkshire terrier house training

Allowing your puppy the freedom to roam can cause house training nightmares regarding potential pee and poo accidents, chewed household items, and enhanced separation anxiety when left alone.

Your house training options are: outside or inside.

Outside house training for young Yorkies can be challenging due to their small developing bladders and bowels. This breed takes longer before they can hold and wait for the scheduled potty breaks.

Yorkie house training will start with inside "puppy pee pad training" before transiting to outside house training. The final choice is yours, even though some Yorkie parents prefer to make inside puppy house training permanent.

The OUT! PetCare Go Here Attractant Indoor and Outdoor Dog Training Spray! This house-training aid will quickly and easily train your puppy. The attractant scent encourages puppies to go to the right spot, making your job easier.

Plus, the spray is safe for indoor and outdoor use, so you can use it wherever you need it.

You use the exact words repetitively, such as "go potty." For outside puppy house training, this will be your standard daily phrase.
Yorkie house training

Your Yorkie's body language will tell you if they have an emergency. For example, your puppy's behavior will notify you when it is time to go potty outside.

You will better understand if you learned what to expect when you observe certain behaviors, such as a puppy turning in circles and sniffing the floor and furniture. An article in the American Kennel Club explains more about how to read your Yorkie's body language.

You must control your Yorkie's daily activities by setting a simple routine schedule that is easy to follow. In addition, a plan will eliminate confusion regarding puppy house training.

Socialize How To Train A Yorkie Puppy 

Socializing how to train a Yorkie puppy is essential, starting when you bring your puppy home. Like most terrier breeds, Yorkies are prone to aggression.

yorkie socializing dog training
Early socialization training will encourage your Yorkie to stay happy, calm, and confident and not be nervous or fearful when introduced to new people or other larger dogs.
  • Daily walks - You are to remain calm when meeting new people or other larger dogs.
  • Practice Reinforcement Training Daily - Yorkies always want to please dog their dog parents. Therefore keep dog treats handy for good behavior, praise, and reward.
  • Calmly Introduce - Yorkie to new and different experiences as often as possible.
    Encourage - Yorkie to ignore noisy, congested areas that pose no safety risk.

K9 Training Institute Free Workshop

The K9 Training Institute offers a free workshop where you can learn firsthand their effective training methods.

The Free Workshop emphasizes building a solid bond between you and your pup. They explain how to apply positive reinforcement techniques that make learning enjoyable for dogs and their owners.

Does your dog tug on its leash, bark constantly, and won't come when called? Sign Up and get the FREE Obedience Training Workshop Now!

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About the Author Allen Stokes

For more than 50 years, Allen Stokes has been training dogs. His blog features a compilation of the best in-depth dog training tips used by the most renowned trainers today.

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