How To Calm A High Energy Dog

Allen Stokes // September 7 // 1 Comments

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Do you often find yourself chasing after a blur of fur, desperately trying to keep up with your high energy dog?

If so, you're not alone. Living with a canine bundle of boundless energy can be both exhilarating and exhausting.

From their constant impulsive running around the house to their insatiable desire for playtime, a high energy dog can leave even the most active owners feeling overwhelmed. But fear not!

This article will examine practical strategies and techniques to help calm your high energy pup and restore peace and tranquility to your daily routine. So grab a cup of coffee, take a deep breath, and get ready to discover the secrets behind taming that energetic tornado in your home!

Popular High Energy Breeds 

Having a high energy dog can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can help them positively channel their energy. One of the key aspects is understanding which breeds fall into this category. Among the high energy dogs are:

High Energy Dog

Image by Rebecca Scholz from Pixabay

Australian Shepherd, known for its herding instinct and need for mental stimulation.
Border Collie, recognized as one of the most intelligent and active breeds.
High Energy Dog

Image by Katrin B. from Pixabay

High Energy Dog

Image by olginaa84 from Pixabay

Beagles, who have boundless energy and an innate sense of exploration.

Boston Terriers, these pint-sized pups may be small in size but are big on energy. They are exuberant and thrive on physical activities to burn off their energy.

High Energy Dog

Image by Avi's Colors from Pixabay

High Energy Dog

Image by Vilve Roosioks from Pixabay

German Shepherds are another breed that requires proper outlets for their abundant energy. Known for their work ethic and intelligence, they excel in activities such as agility training or as search-and-rescue dogs.

Jack Russell Terriers are famous for their endless enthusiasm and tireless nature. This breed craves constant mental stimulation and physical exercise to stay contented at home.

High Energy Dog

Photo by Blue Bird

High Energy Dog

Image by Chiemsee2016 from Pixabay

Labrador Retrievers, known for being friendly family pets—are incredibly energetic dogs that require regular exercise to prevent boredom-induced behavior problems.

Understanding these high-energy breeds allows you to effectively tailor your approach to calming them down.

K9 Training Institute Free Workshop

Discover the K9 Training Institute's Free workshop, explicitly designed for high-energy dogs. Join now to gain valuable insights into K9 TI's proven training methods.

The workshop focuses on fostering a strong connection between you and your pup, highlighting the application of positive reinforcement techniques that ensure an enjoyable learning experience for both canines and their owners.

Does your dog tug on its leash, bark constantly, and won't come when called? Sign Up and get the FREE Obedience Training Workshop Now!

Understanding A High Energy Dog

Understanding a high energy dog can be a challenge for many pet owners. These dogs are constantly on the move, with seemingly boundless energy that can be overwhelming if not properly channeled.

It is essential to recognize that breeders wanted to create a dog designed to do exact tasks. Such as hunting or herding, and as a result, their instincts drive them to be always active and alert.

One key aspect of understanding a high energy dog is recognizing the importance of mental stimulation. These dogs thrive on having a job or engaging in activities stimulating their minds.

They enjoy training sessions, like puzzle toys, or even participating in dog sports like agility or flyball. You can help redirect their excessive energy into constructive behavior by providing outlets for mental stimulation.

Another aspect to consider when dealing with a high energy dog is ensuring they receive sufficient physical exercise.

These breeds have an abundance of stamina and require regular opportunities to burn off excess energy.  They are happy with activities such as long walks, runs, or playtime at the dog park.

Without sufficient exercise, they may become restless and exhibit destructive behaviors.

Stress Relief: TOMAHAUK Snuffle Mat is designed to provide dogs with a fun and engaging way to relieve stress. By hiding treats or kibble within the mat's soft fabric, your furry friend will enjoy sniffing and searching for their favorite snacks, helping them relax and unwind after a long day.

JMMPOO Dog Agility Training Equipment, 60-Piece Dog Obstacle Course Training Starter Kit Pet Outdoor Game with Tunnel, Agility Hurdle, Weave Poles, Jump Ring,

A High Energy Dog Requires Exercise

Exercise is crucial for a high energy dog as it helps to burn off excess energy and prevent behavioral issues. Physical activity keeps them fit, stimulates their minds, and decreases boredom.

Regular exercise sessions are an excellent way for dogs to release pent-up energy and reduce hyperactivity, making them calmer and more manageable in the long run.

When exercising a high energy dog, quality is just as important as quantity. Mix up its routine by incorporating running, fetching, or swimming activities.

Mental stimulation can also tire out your furry friend - try puzzle toys or obedience training exercises that challenge their thinking capabilities.

By actively engaging with them during exercise sessions, you provide physical exertion and create stronger bonds built on trust, obedience, and mutual understanding.

Remember that the right amount of exercise will depend on your dog's age, breed, and overall health condition. Consulting with a veterinarian or professional trainer can help you determine the appropriate level of physical activity for your energetic companion.

Additionally, be mindful of any signs of fatigue or discomfort during workouts. At the same time, it's essential to push your dog to stay active. It's equally vital to ensure they remain within the bounds of themselves.

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Get Your Dog Moving: The Flirt Pole for Dogs by Yes4Quality is the perfect tool to get your pup up and moving. With a strong non-bungee cord and a telescopic lure stick, you can easily engage dogs of any size in fun and energetic playtime sessions.

Enhance Your Dog's Obedience Skills: The TRIXIE Dog Agility Tunnel is a fun and effective way to improve your dog's obedience training. With its 16.5' length, your furry companion will have plenty of space to practice commands and navigate through the tunnel, helping them become more responsive and obedient.

Unleash Your Dog's Energy: The Chuckit Classic 26M Dog Ball Launcher allows you to throw balls further and faster, giving your furry friend the ultimate workout. Say goodbye to sore arms and hello to endless fetch sessions that will keep your pup entertained for hours!

Hours of Active Fun: The Chuckit! Flying Squirrel Fetch Dog Toy is the perfect way to keep your furry friend entertained and active for hours. Its unique design allows it to sail through the air, giving your dog a thrilling chase and fetch experience.

Unleash endless fun and exercise with the Nerf Dog Tennis Ball Blaster! With its compact design and easy-to-use features, you can effortlessly launch tennis balls up to 50 feet, giving your furry friend an exhilarating game of fetch. Say goodbye to sore arms and hello to more quality time with your pup!

Mental Stimulation For Engaging Your Dog's Mind

One effective way to calm a high energy dog is by providing mental stimulation. Mental exercise can be just as important, if not more so, than physical exercise for dogs with boundless energy.

  • Engaging your dog's mind through various activities and games can help tire them out and positively redirect their excess energy.
  • Puzzle toys are one of the simplest ways to stimulate your dog mentally. These interactive toys often require your dog to figure out how to access treats or food hidden inside. 

Not only does this engage their senses and problem-solving abilities, but it also helps keep them entertained and focused on a single task. 

Additionally, playing hide-and-seek with your dog's favorite toys or treats around the house can provide mental stimulation while encouraging them to use their sense of smell.

  • Another great way to engage your dog's mind is through obedience training. Teaching your high-energy pup new commands strengthens the bond between you and provides mental stimulation as they learn and practice new behaviors.
  • Incorporate challenging exercises such as advanced tricks or agility training sessions to keep them mentally engaged while tiring them physically simultaneously.

Remember, when it comes to calming a high energy dog, exploring different methods of mental stimulation and physical activity can make all the difference in helping your furry friend find peace and balance in their energetic nature.

Mental Stimulation for Bored Dogs: Keep your furry friend entertained and engaged with our HOUNDGAMES Dog Puzzle Toys! These interactive puzzles challenge their minds, preventing boredom and destructive behavior while you're away.

Teaching A High Energy Dog Calm Behaviors 

When training a high energy dog, one of the most important skills you can teach them is how to remain calm. Many of these dogs struggle with impulse control and can quickly become overexcited or anxious in certain situations.

By teaching your dog calm behaviors and commands, you provide them with a toolkit for managing their energy and emotions.

One effective way to teach calmness is through reward-based training.

Positive reinforcement techniques using treats or praise can help your dog understand which behaviors earn rewards. For example, when your dog is calm, such as lying quietly or sitting patiently, please praise and treat them.

Your action will help them associate calmness with positive experiences, reinforcing the desired behavior.

Another valuable technique is teaching your dog specific commands that promote relaxation and focus. For instance, you can use a settle command can be used during moments when your dog becomes overly excited or restless.

Instructing your dog to settle on their bed or in a specific spot redirects their energy towards something more calming.

Consistency is vital when teaching these commands – practice regularly in different environments to ensure they generalize the behavior beyond just one context.

Training a high-energy dog requires patience and consistency, which can lead to a more well-balanced canine companion.

Routine Establish A Consistent Schedule 

Establishing a consistent routine is one of the most effective ways to calm a high energy dog. Dogs, like humans, thrive on structure and predictability. Filling their day with stimulating activities can tire them and cause them to settle down and relax.

You provide your furry friend with stability by creating a schedule that includes regular exercise, meal times, and designated relaxation periods. A schedule helps them expend their energy in productive ways while ensuring ample time for relaxation.

A consistent routine benefits your dog's physical well-being and contributes to their mental health. Just as humans find comfort in knowing what lies ahead, dogs feel secure with a predictable daily routine.

For a high energy dog who tends to become easily agitated or restless, this structure can help alleviate anxiety and promote calmness.

By introducing activities such as morning walks or play sessions at specific times every day, you teach your dog that there is an appropriate time for active engagement. New activities reinforce the idea that there will also be designated periods for quiet downtime.

Remember that every dog is different regarding their ideal routine; what works for one may not work for another. Be observant of your dog's behavior and adapt the schedule accordingly.

Some dogs may require longer exercise sessions or additional mental stimulation throughout the day to tire them out.

Enrichment Toys Energy Outlet

Enrichment toys are essential for providing energy outlets for high-energy dogs. These toys serve as mental and physical stimulants, engaging a dog's instincts and helping to channel their energy constructively.

Puzzle toys that require problem-solving skills, such as treat-dispensing balls or interactive games, can keep a high-energy dog focused and occupied for extended periods.

In addition to providing mental stimulation, enrichment toys help prevent destructive behaviors caused by pent-up energy. By redirecting their focus onto these engaging toys, dogs are less likely to engage in chewing furniture or digging holes in the backyard.

Interesting toys save your household from potential damage and ensure that your furry friend remains safe and happy.

Overall, enrichment toys offer an effective way to provide outlets for energy in high-energy dogs. It keeps them mentally stimulated and physically active. These toys prevent boredom and promote well-being while enhancing the bond between you and your energetic companion.

Engage and Stimulate Your Dog's Natural Foraging Instincts: The TOTARK Dog Digging Toys Snuffle Mat taps into your dog's innate foraging skills, keeping them mentally engaged and entertained. Watch as they use their nose to search for treats hidden within the soft fabric, providing hours of fun and mental stimulation.

Keep Your Dog Mentally Stimulated: The Letsmeet Dog Squeak Toys challenge your furry friend's problem-solving skills, keeping them engaged and mentally stimulated. With the treat-dispensing puzzle feature, your dog will have a blast figuring out how to retrieve their favorite treats!

Free Workshop How To Train High Energy Dog 

If you've ever owned a high energy dog, you know how challenging it can be to keep up with their constant need for activity and stimulation.

But fear not because there is a solution: the K9 Training Institute Workshop course offered by the Pro Paw Tips website. This free online workshop is designed specifically for owners of high energy dogs and provides valuable training techniques to help positively channel their energy.

One of the key insights shared in this workshop is the importance of mental stimulation for high energy dogs. While physical exercise is crucial, these dogs also have brains that need to be engaged.

The K9 Institute Workshop course teaches effective brain games and puzzles that tire your dog out mentally and help them learn new skills and behaviors.

Another valuable aspect of this workshop is its focus on teaching self-control to high energy dogs. These dogs are often so eager and excited that they struggle with impulse control.

The workshop provides step-by-step instructions on how to train your dog to remain calm in various situations, such as when meeting other dogs or encountering distractions on walks.

By joining the free online K9 Training Institute Workshop course and registering with the Pro Paw Tips website, you'll discover various training techniques explicitly tailored for high energy dogs.

Don't let your energetic pup become a source of frustration - take advantage of this fantastic resource today!

High Energy Dog

Below are links to other dog breed training tips:

About the Author Allen Stokes

For more than 50 years, Allen Stokes has been training dogs. His blog features a compilation of the best in-depth dog training tips used by the most renowned trainers today.

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